As Senate nears Kavanaugh confirmation vote, faith voices speak out

Links for 10/4/18

Order in the court: Amid drama, Supreme Court gears up for new session

Innocent or not, Kavanaugh runs up the cost of evangelicals' GOP tie

Catholic Charities CEO stands by Kavanaugh despite sexual assault allegation

Despite hearing's drama, some say Kavanaugh won't make major changes

Nuances of constitutional originalism leave originalism behind

At hearing, Kavanaugh highlights his Catholic Charities' volunteer work

Kavanaugh hearings prompt a closer look at originalism

Souter's approach to Constitution parallels Ignatian discernment

President Trump shouldn't be nominating a Supreme Court justice

Why Catholics and Jews dominate at the Supreme Court

Abortion and the Supreme Court: how the debate has changed

How should Catholics feel about a new Supreme Court Justice?

Raising questions about Amy Barrett's beliefs is not an anti-popery riot

Prospective Supreme Court nominee puts spotlight on People of Praise

Justice Anthony Kennedy to retire from Supreme Court

Court says requirements on pregnancy centers violate free speech

Supreme Court still has big decisions to deliver before term ends

US Supreme Court denies hearing Arizona death penalty case
