Humanae Vitae: Sex and authority in the Catholic Church

Editorial: Sound the horn, bishops, we're waiting

In letter to Chileans, Francis decries church's 'culture of abuse and cover-up'

Cardinal: Greater access to Communion challenges church teaching

Francis cardinals make up almost half of electors of next pope

Vatican document on economic ethics is a dismal read on a timely topic

Pope Benedict and Pope Francis: free and faithful in Christ

Power of words: Listening must lead to action, abuse survivors say

Access to clean water is a life issue that the church must defend

Pope Francis' encyclical inspires the Laudato Si' Project in Wisconsin

Francis still falls short with Catholic women, feminist scholars say

Fourth CNN 'Pope' episode examines Reformation, with uneven results

Interim results: Pope Francis revitalizes Vatican II reforms

Pope Francis stands on world stage set by John Paul II

Francis' focus on practicing virtue has guided Catholic universities

Francis invites change, but we are the change

Links for 3/6/18

Catholic social doctrine sheds light on how to combat gun violence

Pope Francis says he meets almost weekly with abuse victims

Time to rehabilitate Teilhard de Chardin?
