Video: Facebook Live on 2020 election

Your thoughts on the call between Dolan and Trump

Your thoughts on identity politics, LGBT treatment in the church, co-responsibility and more

Your thoughts on coverage of the coronavirus

Your thoughts on Jamie Manson's columns, voting with a conscience, religious liberty and more

Your thoughts on geofencing, women in the church, pro-life movement and more

Your thoughts on the abortion debate

Your thoughts on NCR's 2019 Newsmaker of the Year

Your thoughts on synod listening sessions, Trump's deadly sins, elusive unity in Portland parish

Your thoughts on welcoming LGBT Catholics, holy anger, St. Newman and more

New book on US religious liberty fails to make a crucial distinction

Your thoughts on the US bishops' conference fall assembly

Synodality isn't just an option, it's the only way to be church

The seven deadly sins of Donald Trump

Links for 11/5/19

Your thoughts on Distinctly Catholic columns

Links for 10/10/19

Your thoughts on Cardinal Burke's vision of church, the partisan divide, parish shopping and more

Your thoughts on 2020 election, Napa Institute, a synod for women and more

Your thoughts on a traditional Mass, presidential elections, humility and more
