It's too soon to beatify Archbishop Sheen anyway

Lawsuit: McCarrick victim told pope of sex abuse in 1988

Ex-Cardinal McCarrick abused boy in Newark in 1990s, lawsuit says

Thomas Doyle traces the disintegration of clerical/hierarchical culture

U.S. bishops' conference clearly divided between Team Francis, culture warriors

Bishops' priorities and plans: A nothing burger

Papal biographer: US bishops' original plan against abuse was PR ploy

Upcoming bishops' meeting reflects current state of US church

Illinois chief justice distrusts church hierarchy to police itself on abuse

Notre Dame releases study on sexual harassment among U.S. seminarians

Confronting causes of clericalism: original sin, institutional dynamics

Seton Hall investigation finds McCarrick harassed seminarians

Laicized cardinal, in interview, continues to deny abuse allegations

The Pell verdict: Various shades of justice

Tackle clericalism first when attempting priesthood reform

Sex abuse survivors' advocacy group wants two bishops blocked from ministry

I made a mixtape for the church I love

New ways of being church, in the public square and in the chanceries

US Catholic bishops adopt process for reviewing misconduct of bishops

When it comes to church reform, despair is not an option
