Tom Roberts

Tom Roberts was NCR executive editor from October 2018 through April 2020. Tom was NCR editor from 2000-2008. He is the author of The Emerging Catholic Church: A Community's Search for Itself (2011) and Joan Chittister: Her Journey from Certainty to Faith (2015), both published by Orbis Books.

By this Author

Remembering Fr. Michael Doyle's love for transformation

How to evaluate Catholic journalism as CNS shuts down

Reflections on three unlikely cardinals: McElroy, Ramazzini and Rosa Chávez

The 1619 Project: Making space for long-ignored truths

Maryland vetoes show Catholic witness is victim to ongoing culture war

The sex abuse scandal is not over. The hierarchal culture still needs transformation.

Fr. Don Cozzens unveiled problems in the priesthood, and modeled solutions

Remembering 9/11 at NCR

US bishops' latest display of desperation has roots in years of dysfunction

Guatemalans have mixed reaction to Kamala Harris' Central American trip

Justice for all: Restorative justice goes beyond retribution

How to respond to evil: Vengeance must stop, says sister of murder victim

Wealthy conservative Catholics are the new US magisterium

A tragic end to the US bishops' long descent into partisan politics

McCarrick report is one small step to dismantling clerical culture

Reporter recalls rocky friendship with Fr. Theodore Hesburgh

Trump's legacy may be unintended consequences

From Brazil, three examples of extraordinary leadership

A good place, a strange moment

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