Ecospirituality Nights: Young Adult Conversation


In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis famously wrote, “A commitment this lofty cannot be sustained by doctrine alone, without a spirituality capable of inspiring us.” As we enter a new year, all are welcome to join the Catholic Climate Covenant young adult community for Ecospirituality Nights, a multi-month virtual series exploring the spiritual foundations of our work for climate justice.

Young adults ages 18-39 are invited to join their peers and Associate Director of Laudato Si’ Ministries Christina Leaño for an intimate conversation on mindfulness, ecological spirituality and climate justice on February 21, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Follow link below to register for the February young adult conversation.

This event follows Christina Leaño’s January 31 keynote address on the same topic, which kicks off the Ecospirituality Nights series and is open to attendees of all ages seeking to deepen their ecological spirituality. A recording will be made available after the event to those who register. Follow link below to register for the January keynote with Christina Leaño today! 

Follow Catholic Climate Covenant on Instagram (@catholic.climate.covenant) and subscribe to our Young Adult Mobilization newsletter for updates on future events in the series, include subsequent events with Sr. Joan Brown, Executive Director of New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light, and Sharon Lavigne, Founder of RISE St. James

