Double your giving!

Steve and Susan Miller will match $2,500 in gifts received today! Steve is chair of the NCR board of directors.

Pope prays for coronavirus victims at live broadcast of morning Mass

Protect your health, physically and spiritually, pope says

New book on Charleston massacre depicts agonizing struggle to move on

Pope's quotes: Grace to have mercy

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Rejoice to find what was lost

Learning to pray the way Jesus prayed

Bullet in author's back teaches him forgiveness

Jesus gives us his Spirit so we can carry on his work

Pope's quotes: The path to follow

Jesus replaced law of revenge with law of love, pope says

At retreat for South Sudan leaders, pope literally begs for peace

God can't wait to forgive, to reconcile and welcome us home

Lent is a good time to tackle the challenge of forgiveness

The words of the Mass do matter

Panel: Reconciliation, justice go hand in hand on global, personal levels

In the face of sex abuse, the church should rethink the sacrament of reconciliation

Indifference, hatred is the first step to murder, pope says

Survivor hopes Mass intentions, help for pantries bring 'peace, comfort'

I question whether systems can be forgiven

Pope's quotes: Is it possible to forgive?
