Michael Sean Winters: The U.S. bishops need to argue that Americans idolize their guns and that offends God, and the church's pro-life witness needs to engage gun control with the ferocity it has engaged abortion.
Barron's Word on Fire gave him experience to bring to chairing the U.S. bishops' evangelization committee — though some say the Los Angeles auxiliary bishop's approach is more about apologetics.
Part 2 of 2: NCR publishes a posthumous essay on clerical culture from Eugene Kennedy, one of the most prolific and insightful observers of the Catholic Church in the modern era.
Your thoughts: NCR readers are welcome to join the conversation and send us a letter to the editor. Here is a sampling of letters received in the month of March 2019.
Distinctly Catholic: Catholic conservatives are finally taking the clergy sex abuse crisis seriously. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick has been accused, and they are hijacking the crisis to attack Francis.
Ex-members who criticize People of Praise as authoritarian want Amy Coney Barrett to address her involvement in the group, which grew out of the 1970s Catholic charismatic revival.
American Catholic: Over its 2,000-year history, the Catholic liturgy has constantly changed in response to new situations and cultures. Like software, it must continue to be updated and adjusted to the people and cultures of today.