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Trump, Biden appeal to Catholics at virtual charity dinner

Trump and Biden get evites as Al Smith Dinner goes virtual

If Barrett joins, Supreme Court would have six Catholics

In battleground states, Catholics are a pivotal swing vote

How Joe Biden's Catholic roots have shaped his public life

The Catholic vote decides who wins, even if it doesn't exist

Kathleen McChesney, advocate for abuse victims, to receive Laetare Medal

Catholics have been intertwined with US politics for decades

Links for 3/12/20

Books on impeachment may both trouble and reassure President Trump

New book on US religious liberty fails to make a crucial distinction

Trump may make America great again after all -- when we show how out of step he is

Nationalism, corruption and finding a better way in the news cycle

A 'political town with pastoral needs' anticipates a new archbishop

Jewish economist says Catholic social teaching is his moral compass

History comes up short in the face of this president's caprice

A Pope Francis gargoyle now watches over Cologne cathedral

Portrait of Trump supporters misses key questions

New films of interest to Catholic readers

'Has America lost its moral center?' asks Fordham panel
