Cardinal RodÈ photos: a meditation

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Cardinal Franc Rodé, Prefect of the Congregation for the Religious, and the person charged by Pope Benedict to conduct the Apostolic Investigation of U.S. women religious congregations, last March ordained six new deacons for Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest at the institutes mother house in Gricigliano, Italy, near Florence, Italy.

Looking at these photos, one is reminded of the cultural, ecclesial, and socio-psychological diversity that make up our church. Living, as we do, in the early 21st century, we should recognize we are products of a mix of complex and unprecedented pre-modern, modern, and post-modern influences and temperaments.

Looking at these photos, one is moved to ask if Cardinal Rodé, who, according to John Allen's profile, is a charming person and a product of old European, Slovenian, anti-communist forces, is, indeed, so far removed from contemporary U.S. cultural and social settings, that he cannot possibly fairly fathom the lives and work of our women religious. The cardinal, whose penchant for a traditional, monarchical, European styled, pre-counciliar church, is clearly evident in these photos, told John that Vatican II triggered "the greatest crisis in church history." Our women religious have dedicated their lives to carrying out the council's mandates of service and reform.

Looking at these photos, one is reminded that multi-culturalism is a central ingredient in our church and world today, requires understanding, patience and special tolerance. It is also true that judgment leads to judgment, and that's why growing numbers in our communities are asking, "Who, exactly, is this man who has been commissioned to judge the souls, lives, dedication and faith of our women religious?"

Looking at these photos, one can hardly avoid the conclusion that the Apostolic Investigation, as currently structured, and carried out is tragically flawed, and could cause irreparable damage to our church unless wise minds figure out a way to call it off.

Read more about it on the web site of the New Liturgical Movement.

See more photos here: S. E. R. le Cardinal Franc Rodé ordonne six diacres

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