Webathon: Banner day Wednesday - our goal of reaching $50,000 is achievable

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Well, dear NCRonline readers, we had a banner day yesterday, raising just over $20,000. Our total for the week is now just over $35,000 for the entire Webathon. Your gifts have been a real lift to our spirits and have put us within reach of our goal by the end of this week -- $50,000.

It is said that gratitude is the highest prayer form and so allow me, prayerfully, to express my deep gratitude to all who have given during this week. Yes, I know there are some of you reading this right now who would like to give, but do not have the means. I respect this - and am equally grateful in my heart for your good wishes and prayers. Others want to support, but like many of us, procrastinate. To you I appeal right now. Don’t wait. Help us now.

A day today like yesterday can take us within reach of our goal.

I said it yesterday. We are not building a NCR monument here. We are trying to put together the required money to continue to maintain and build this Web site in the months ahead.

Remember, NCROnline.org belongs to all of us. It belongs to all of you who come here day after day, searching for information and community. Giving to this Webathon – no matter how small the donation, even a few dollars, is your visible affirmation you are part of the NCR community.

You will feel better all day long if you join in and give something. Giving, you will keep our spirits lifted as well. The NCR staff works hard and sometimes it is easy to feel alone. We know you care. Please show us now. Take the step. Donating to this Webathon you show you want to build a loving, caring, justice-seeking community and church.

I asked yesterday: Doesn’t it satisfy you to know that there is an independent, reliable Catholic news organization that acts on your behalf as a watchdog for our church?

When we are required to report stories, such as the sacking of Bishop William Morris in Australia, you know we need each other dearly if we are to be signs of light and hope for our church.

Let light and love prevail. Never, ever, let us give up on our common mission of living out the Gospels, of being merciful and caring people. We need each other now more than ever. You know exactly what I mean when I say we need each other now more than ever.

Today, right now, you can do more than help us make our goal this week. You can assure us – assure yourselves – that a community of Christian believers, holding to the Catholic faith, living out the affirmations of the Second Vatican Council, is alive and well and growing in our times.

Please donate. Do not wait another minute. Take this minute to be part of this Webathon. We can do it. We must do it. We are within reach of our goal -- $50,000 and an affirmation of a community of believers who know the Gospels will set us free.

Donate here now.

PS (from gratefulness.com)


The Friend of God has these three qualities: a generosity like that of the ocean, a compassion like that of the sun, and a humility like that of the earth. --- Bayazid Tadhkirat

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