New York Times features two columns on the Vatican attack on Catholic sisters

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I cannot recall anytime in recent history that the Catholic church was highlighted twice in columns in a single issue of The New York Times. But this is the case today and it the rare development is yet another indicator of the tremendous outpouring of support on behalf of U.S. women religious in general and the Leadership Conference of Women Religious in particular as they come under attack from the Vatican for lapses in fidelity.

Nicholas Kristof and Maureen Dowd both write about the plight of our sisters.

Writes Kristof: "Catholic nuns are not the prissy traditionalists of caricature. No, nuns Rock!"

Writes Dowd: "It is an astonishing thing that historians will look back and puzzle over, that in the 21st century American women were such hunted creatures."

Columns and editorials are being written across the nation in support of the Catholic sisters. Many of these continue to appear on the NCR website and on NCR's Support our Catholic Sisters Facebook page.


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