Mary Hunt: 10 reasons to celebrate 40 years of women's ordination

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Hunt speaking at WOW conference (NCR photo/Tom Fox)

Hunt speaking at WOW conference (NCR photo/Tom Fox)

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Mary E. Hunt, in an opening talk at the Women’s Ordination Worldwide conference here, offered delegates a list of 10 accomplishments the women’s ordination movement needs to celebrate during its three-day gathering:

  1. We have successfully avoided being co-opted by the kyriarchal Catholicism.
  2. We have shaped, thanks to feminist and other liberation theologies, the changing field of theology from a clerical, ecclesial science to a lay and communal art.
  3. We refuse, as women, to be divided and conquered into groups of nuns and (unconsecrated) laywomen.
  4. We name and claim many role models as part of our movements for justice and liberation.
  5. We connect with each other through the deeply interreligious nature of our struggle.
  6. We engage in feminist ministries in myriad forms.
  7. We are instrumental in creating new models of church.
  8. We rejoice in the international nature of our movement.
  9. We create rich spirituality and liturgy that characterizes our movement and are a resource for the whole church.
  10. We are just getting started.


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