Eighth Anniversary of Iraq invasion --- not much in the news about it

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Today, March 19th, marks the eighth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq -- carried out on the false pretense to eradicate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Of course those weapons were never there.

What a heavy load that decision would be on the conscience of any reasonably self-examined soul.

Not much is being said today about this tragic anniversary - with the exception of some commentary I found by Congressman Charles Rangel who tells us why he introduced the Universal National Service Act, calling on all to share in service to country and ridding our nation from the egregiously unfair burden of the one percent of our young who currently carry the burdens of our unfunded wars.

Writes Rangel:

Based on false pretenses of weapons of mass destruction and involvement in the 9/11 attacks, the unfunded war in Iraq has cost our nation not only $800 billion dollars, but the lives of more than 4,400 brave American patriots. Over 32,000 U.S. soldiers have also been seriously wounded in the war we should not have been in the first place.

It is because of these devastating statistics and the commitment our nation must make to sharing in duty and service that I reintroduced the Universal National Service Act, commonly known as the draft bill. Originally introduced in 2003 after my opposition to the invasion of Iraq, the legislation provides an opportunity for all of our children to be able to say with dignity that they honorably served their nation.

Having a draft does not necessarily mean that everyone called to duty would be required to serve in the Armed forces. Whether that service to our country is in our military, in our schools, in our hospitals, or in our airports, the Universal National Service act would require young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 to commit themselves to two years of national service.

Hidden wars are all too easy to carry out. Let the sons and daughters of those who call for them be the first to go to the front lines.

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