Mercy Ecology BioBlitz

Participate in Mercy Ecology's BioBlitz, a field study to record all the living species within the land. This will be a second BioBlitz, building on the one conducted in the spring of 2017, to provide an extended picture and count of the plants, animals and other organisms that live on the land of Mercy Ecospirituality Center in Benson, VT. It is a community event where naturalists and volunteers explore and take inventory to raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity. There will be fun activities for kids and adults alike!

We'll start the day with the Rutland County Audubon birding group at 7:30 a.m. and end it with moth scouting with JoAnne Russo at 9:30 p.m. The full schedule will be released soon, but join us for one or all events of the day!

Lunch included.

Location: Mercy Ecospirituality Center, Benson VT

Cost: Free

To let us know you'd like to come, please register: You can also contact us at (802) 537-4531 or by emailing
