
Explore free and premium products from National Catholic Reporter.

Humanae Vitae at 50: The maturing of church teaching

This free downloadable eBook explores the birth control teaching and its impact on generations of Catholics.

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The Challenge of Reducing Waste: A Parish Guide

Catholic parishes and communities are taking steps to reduce waste and change lifestyles. Learn more in this free special report.

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NCR's Amoris Laetitia Study Guide​

Explore Pope Francis’ message about marriage and family with our complimentary study guide!

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NCR's "Hell, hope and healing" downloadable resource​

This is a four-part series on sexual abuse NCR published in 2016. The complete report is available in downloadable format as a resource to our readers.​

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Laudato-Si_web.jpgA readers' guide to Laudato Si'

Fr. Tom Reese wrote this reader guide to take you through Pope Francis' recent encyclical on the environment. We are offering it as a complimentary download, so you can use it at parish discussion groups and other events. Enjoy!

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Print newspaper: $52.95 per year ($87.95 outside U.S)

Electronic edition: $49.95 per year

Kindle edition: $2.99/month


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NCR eBooks

Our collection of eBooks features previously-published content from our newspaper and website. Available from the Apple iBooks store, Kindle, Nook and more. Browse titles



NCR’s 50th Anniversary Issue

Our special Anniversary Issue commemorates 50 years of publishing the finest independent Catholic news and analysis. This 60-page keepsake issue provides a summary of news from each year of NCR’s existence, packaged as the newspaper looked at the time. Learn more.



National Catholic Reporter at Fifty: The Story of the Pioneering Paper and Its Editors

This new book by former NCR editor Arthur Jones focuses on editors and key themes in the paper's history, leading up to its 50th anniversary in October 2014. Learn more.



Poster: Putting Catholic Higher Education on the Map

This poster-sized map displays all 242 Catholic degree-granting institutions, adapted from our November 8, 2013, Colleges & Universities special section. Learn more.



A Church Reborn: The Second Vatican Council 50th Anniversary Issue

This special edition gathers leading Catholic scholars to reflect on the revolutionary Second Vatican Council, fifty years after its opening. Topics range from collegiality to women's congregations, human sexuality to theology, and on across the spectrum of essential subjects in a dynamic and changing church. Subscribers to the newspaper will receive a copy of this keepsake issue.

Additional copies are available to purchase while supplies last. Learn more.



Catholics in America

NCR published the fifth annual Catholics in America survey in our October 28-November 10, 2011 issue. Additional copies are available to purchase while supplies last. To purchase, call NCR customer service at 1-800-333-7373.

1-4 copies: $3 per copy

5-9 copies: $2.75 per copy

10-24 copies: $2.50 per copy

25-49 copies: $2.25 per copy

50 or more: $2 per copy



Jesus 2000

To celebrate the new millenium, the National Catholic Reporter invited people to submit original artwork to answer the question, "What would Jesus Christ look like in the year 2000?" Jesus 2000 is the full-color special supplement to the newspaper which includes the top 60 entries from the contest. Learn more.


