Soul Seeing

Carry your cross through a blanket of fog

We are all connected by the truth of our vulnerability

Growing through a season of diminishment

'Grief is the price you pay for love'

My Sunday celebration of Eucharist begins on a Chicago bus

We're called to share the curiosity of Christ

Love won't let us live on our own terms

A Native American prayer practice for when the world feels too big

How do I hear God's voice in the Babel of the world?

We ask the light to shine in the darkness when we cannot

Slouching toward Easter with the Wisdom books

It's not about the skiing

The fate of the world rests on this

Where is the newborn king of the Jews?

Love says: You still have a life left to live

Don't forgo the light of the sun

For Jesus, home was a journey

The mind is a terrible thing

God is there before our arrival

Rediscovering joy in my grandmother's sanctuary of love
